cheese tarts baking
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sobs my finals are in three weeks time. I did some biology a while ago and got so desperate because everything on the book is a torture to me.... T__T

I have some photos to show over here. During the break I baked some cheese tarts because baking cheese tarts are fun. I'm still not good at baking and stuff but I think I'm getting better. The pastry and cheese fillings turned out to be so tasty! o(≧▽≦)o♪

Just in case you are wondering, I made them using this recipe.

I crushed the chocolate into tiny pieces and melted them so I could put them into the piping bag and do the toppings. It was easy, all I did was snipping a really tiny hole in the corner of the piping bag (basically just plastic zip bag), but getting the right hole size wasn't at all easy. It took me a couple of times to get the right hole size. ゚A`)≡〇

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