randomness 02
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just the thought of having a common test in July makes me sick to my stomach because studying makes me sad. I've been constantly blaming myself for not paying attention in class but truth is I can't concentrate when there are distractions around me. ヽ(o ̄∇ ̄o)/

My grades were really bad for my midyears so I guess it kind of motivated me to work harder for the July test. My grades were so bad that the best I could get was an A+ for my physics and the rest were SO MUCH lower than that. I dislike the fact that I messed up my maths paper and that was probably why I didn't have an A for it but then thinking about it will do nothing so I shall stop worrying about my grades and move on with life. I am feeling discouraged and hopeless... I don't want to lose interest in math please help it's me being desperate once again.

me wrapping gifts in progress

'till then, bb ^ヮ^
see you in a while
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