handmade k-on charms
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I hate the fact that school is only about a week away but I can't be bothered to do my homework. I have 6 Chinese essays and 10 English articles to complete but I totally can't bring myself to start them. ○´Д`) Blame it all on the rainy season and the cold weather that keeps me from doing anything and the laziness in my genes. I in truth admire how lazy I am and how I always screw myself up by clearing homework debts.

Well anyway forget about the homework debts because it turns me into a desperate child all the time.
~(((((((っ´Ι`)ノ On the bright side, I sew some K-On charms!

These charms appeared in one of the episodes in this anime show.
The charms together read  けいおんぶ (ke - i - o - n - bu)

pretty much my version of k-on charms


o( ̄∇ ̄o)

I left out the ぶ (bu) charm because I ran out of colour felt.

They were pretty easy to make. All you need is colour felt (preferably yellow, blue, purple and pink), sewing tools (thread, needle) and templates! I'm giving out my templates so feel free to download and print them out.

▪  け [ke]'s template
  い [i]'s template
  お [o]'s template
  ん [n]'s template
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